
I’m grateful to have a community of fabulous friends who are
artists in their own right and who have inspired, coached, and empowered me along
the way. I invite you to check out their amazing work.


Anne Liu Kellor

I met Anne through the memoir classes she teaches at Hugo House (highly recommended) and then worked with her afterwards as a writing coach and editor. I can’t understate how valuable Anne’s encouragement and critical yet kind eye have been to my writing skills and my confidence as a writer.

Gabriela Salinas

Gaby is an amazingly talented graphic artist who I’ve had the pleasure of working with professionally and personally (we met when we were both at Xbox). She designed this website in fact, and while I love it, I appreciate that she offered her skills and her patience to this project because she normally works on waaaay cooler stuff than this! 

Lloyd branch

It’s great when you make a friend and then later discover they have a hidden passion. In Lloyd’s case, his (not so secret anymore) talent is photography and he graciously offered his skills for the shots you see on this site. It’s rare to find someone with such an eye for the perfect shot, especially when your subject is an over-excited Golden Retriever.